After adding a Procurement Card it can be associated to Financial Tracking codes. Linking a PCard to financial tracking codes ensures that each time a card is selected as a means of payment the correct accounting is used. Appropriate Segment values are selected and will override the user’s default accounting on the requisition.

To assign Financial Tracking Code defaults to a Procurement Card:
- Click Search to find the PCard you wish to associate financial tracking codes to. Optionally insert a partial value into one of the following fields to refine the search: Card Type, Cardholder Name, Card Number, Alias or Bank Name. If a partial value is not inserted to refine the search, results are limited to 100 records which are randomly selected. A Financial Tracking assignment appears at the bottom of the screen.
- Select a Method from the dropdown list.
- Choose the Segment from the Segment Key drop down list, that contains the account code value you wish to default.
- Choose the Segment Value from the drop down list. Only valid values for the segment selected will be displayed.
- Choose the Force Type:
- Default – This will default the value onto all requisitions and allow the requisitioner to change it. The user can override PCard accounting.
- Force – This will default the value onto all requisitions and NOT allow the requisitioner to change it. The user cannot override PCard accounting.
- Click the Insert button.
- One value for each segment within a method can be selected as a default.
- To update an existing assignment, click on the radio button to the left of the code, make your change following the steps above and click the update button.
- To delete an existing assignment, click the delete button to the right of the code. The default code will be removed.