General Actions:
Use the Financial Tracking Codes sub-window to associate accounting segment values with an Approval Rule Group.
Configuring groups in this way is necessary if approval plans resolve roles by segment value. PECOS P2P will use these groups to determine the owner of the approval role based on accounting values contained in requisitions and purchase orders, by matching them with accounting values entered here.
Creating financial tracking approval groups assumes an organisational wide policy of approval based on an account code value. Such a group would allow for roles to which one or many segment values have been assigned.
For example, if requisition approval is determined by the cost centre it is charged to, you can have a role for Cost Centre Manager. An Approval plan task is created and owned by the role of cost centre manager and resolved by segment value. Approval Rule Groups are created to define who the manager (approver) is for each financial cost centre.
These Approval Rule Groups should be member less (i.e. not assigned to users or organisations) since they are used only to determine the role owner for approval plan tasks that are resolved using segment value. PECOS P2P will still determine the actual approval plan to use based on the Requisitioner’s Approval Rule Group assignment along with all other approvals, not resolved using segment value.
It should be noted that approval is not limited to just being resolved using account codes but can be a mixture of resolving tasks by Requisitioner or Buy-for User’s group and Segment Value.
To assigning financial tracking code segments and values follow these steps.
Detailed Example
A cost centre manager, Alan Brown, is responsible for approving all order requests that are charged against his family of cost centres, A, B, and E. A second manager, Alice Watson, is responsible for approving all similar order requests for cost centres C, D, and F.
A) Configuration
B) Routing
a) When an order request is submitted by a user PECOS P2P will determine what Plan to follow based on the Requisitioner’s Approval Rule Group membership.
b) The order request will arrive at the task called ‘Cost Centre Manager Approval’.
c) PECOS P2P will determine that the task is resolved using Segment value = Cost Centre and will therefore look at all cost centre values at line level.
d) PECOS P2P will read all Approval Rule Groups until it finds the one that contains the segment value assignment that matches that used in the order request. For example it will use ‘Cost Centre A, B, E Approval’ if the order request has been charged to cost centre B.
e) PECOS P2P will then look for the Role = Cost Centre Manager within the cost centre Approval Rule Group and send the order to the person assigned to that role (in our example Alan Brown) for approval.
f) If the order request is charged to more than one cost centre it will be sent to all relevant approvers. For example if lines are charged or split to cost centres A and F, PECOS P2P will find two matching cost centre Approval Rule Groups and the order request will be sent to both cost centre role owners: Alan Brown and Alice Watson.
g) After approval by the cost centre manager(s), the order request will move onto the next task in the Approval plan.
P2P Admin