4.8.1 Keywords

The following keywords can be used to personalise or customise eMail notification messages for Returned Approvals, Approval Escalation and Users:

<%DOCID%> = Document ID (the requisition, PO or invoice number, as appropriate)

<%USRID%> = User name of the user performing the return or rejection

The following keywords can be used to customise email notification messages for Approval Reassignment:

<%Document_ID%> = Document ID

<%Document_Type%> = Document Type (i.e. Requisition, Order Request, Change Order or Invoice)

<%NewApprover_Name%> = The name of the new approver (i.e. to whom the object has been reassigned)

<%OrigApprover_Name%> = The name of the original approval (i.e. from whom the object has been un-assigned)

The following keywords can be used to customise email notification messages for Price Quotes:

<%OrgUnitName%> = Requisitioner’s organisation name

<%PQ_Description%> = Price Quote Description

<%PQ_Owner_Email%> = Approver’s eMail address

<%PQ_Owner_Name%> = Approver’s name

<%PQ_Owner_Phone%> = Approver’s phone number

<%PQ_Respond_By_Date%> = Responses are required before this date

<%PQ_Respond_By_Time%> = Responses are required before this time

<%Supplier_Name%> = Supplier Name


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