After Business Rule Groups have been created and permissions to Catalogues, Financial tracking codes and P-cards granted, they must be assigned to users.
Until this assignment is performed users will not have access to any of the data granted by the BRG. In the Membership window of the BRG you can assign the group to both users and organisations. Assigning a group to an organisation will automatically grant membership to all users who are associated with that organisational level.
Users must be created before user membership can be granted but not necessary before organisational membership is granted.
User Assignment
- On the Business Rule Group page, click Search: a partial value may be entered in the Group Name field to refine your search.
- In the list of search results click Select against the one you wish to update.
- Click the Membership Users button to open the Users window.

- Assigned users will display in the 'Group Members' window.
- Use the User Search to find users for assignment:
- Select the 'User Name' (default) or 'User ID' radio button to define the type of search to be undertaken.
- If you want your search to be case-sensitive, check the Case-sensitive search box.
- A partial value may be entered to refine the search. - To see a list of all available users, leave the user text box empty. The first 100 records will be displayed.
- A list of users that match your search criteria will appear in the 'Available Users' window.
- To assign a user, simply click on the user name and it will be moved to the 'Group Members' window.
- To optionally assign ALL available users, click on the >> (move all) arrows.
- To un-assign a user from this group simply click the user name in the 'Group members' window. The user will be moved to the 'Available Users' window.
- To optionally remove ALL assigned users click on the << (move all) arrows.
- Click the Update button in the Users window to save changes.
All users who are members of this BRG will now be granted permissions to use the Catalogues, Financial tracking codes and PCards that have been associated to this group.
Organisation Assignment
- On the Business Rule Group page, click Search: a partial value may be entered in the Group Name field to refine your search.
- In the list of search results click Select against the one you wish to update.
- Click the Membership Orgs button to open the Organisation Assignment window

- Drill down through the Organisation Explorer tree by clicking the + symbols to expand each level.
- When you have found the organisation level for assignment, click on its name: the Organisation will be selected and appear in the Assigned Organisation table at the bottom of the screen.
- To include all levels below the organisation you have chosen, ensure the 'Check box if selection should apply to this organisation and lower', check box is ticked. This is ticked by default. Note that a subordinate organisation cannot be selected if its parent organisation has already been assigned.
- Click the Update button to save changes.
- To remove the current organisation assignment, click the Remove icon (X) in the Action column of the Assigned Organisations table. Click the Update button to save the change.
Search and Filter
The Assigned Organisations table will display 10 entries, sorted alphabetically by default but can be extended using the Show entries control in the top left hand corner of the table. Using the list box, choose an override to display 25, 50 or 100 entries. When more than one page is available, pagination controls will display the number of pages of entries and allow you to scroll or jump between those pages. A Quick filter provides a 'type ahead' text search, which automatically filters the entries in the table using the string of characters entered.
Dynamic Rule Group Assignment
The Business Rule Groups to which a user is assigned are dynamic based on the organisation to which they belong. At the time a user logs in, PECOS P2P will check which Business Rule Groups the user belongs to based on their organisation and any individual groups to which they have been added. If a user’s organisation has been reassigned, their rule group assignment will be automatically updated at the next log in. A user’s session access to catalogues, financial tracking codes and all other things governed by inclusion in a rule group will be based on this dynamic group assignment.